
Pioneering zero days at Pwn2Own Automotive 2024

March 13, 14:30 (CAMPUS)

How easy is it to compromise an aftermarket in-vehicle entertainment system? What can an attacker do when they install spyware on there?

In the rapidly evolving automotive industry, the integration of technological systems such as remote servers, Wi-Fi hotspots, and mobile devices has expanded the attack surface. Modern vehicles are equipped with in-vehicle infotainment systems that connect to GPS, cameras, microphones, and mobile devices, syncing data including call logs and contacts.


Alex Plaskett

Alex Plaskett (@alexjplaskett) is a security researcher within the Exploit Development Group (EDG) at NCC Group. Alex is a five times Pwn2Own winner (desktop, mobile, embedded, and automotive) and has over 15+ years of experience in vulnerability research and exploitation. Alex has exploited vulnerabilities in a large range of high-profile products across many different areas of security. Alex is a frequent speaker at security conferences (e.g. BlackHat, OffensiveCon, Hexacon, HITB, BlueHat, POC, Troopers etc). Alex was previously leading security teams in Fintech, Mobile Security and Security Research and just generally causing vendors to patch things on a regular basis!

McCaulay Hudson

McCaulay Hudson (@_mccaulay) is a Security Researcher in NCC Group's exploit development group. He has previously competed in multiple Pwn2Own competitions and has publicly published work on exploiting embedded devices and the PlayStation 5 console.

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